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Overview of services

Product Overview

Compared with the products of general insurers, the products of Postal Insurance are easy to understand and cheaper, which is composed of educational, pension, guaranteed, and Endowment insurance.
Because of the falling trends of the education insurance, aiming at preparing funds for their children’s tuitions, Korea Post is selling only “Youth Dream Insurance”, which provide tuitions for the unfortunate youths.

Regarding the pension insurance, aiming at preparing for living expenditure at the retirement, we have “Armful Annuity Insurance” and “Postal pension.
For Armful Annuity Insurance, there are two kind of schemes; the general pension (type1) is exempted for interest tax on policy gains after 10 years and the individual pension (type2) can be favored by income deduction less than 2.4 million won.
Furthermore, while Armful Annuity Insurance is the fixed rate product, Postal Pension(general pension) is floating interest product, of which the interest rate is connected to the rate of policy loan.
The guaranteed insurance, the sum of surviving payment can’t exceed the sum of premium, is composed of 9 kinds of products; “Whole Life Insurance” guarantee the death for the life long, “Transportation Accident Insurance”

The Endowment Insurance, which meet the needs of savings and guarantee, is composed of “Welfare Insurance” , which pays fixed interest rate, “Power Accumulation Insurance”, which pays floating interest rate, and “Alchan Conversion Special Contract”, which allows the extension for the matured short-term savings instruments by the special contract.