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Renew a Joint Certificate

  • 1Verify the user
  • 2Identification
  • 3Confirm the information
  • 4Renewal completed
  • This user authentication step renews a joint certificate.
  • Please enter the user ID and resident registration number/corporate registration number registered for internet banking at the Post Bank.

Input information

Inquiry time 2025년02월09일 13시50분36초
Input information
User ID *
Select the input number *
Resident registration no. *
  • Renewal is possible from 60 days before the expiration date to the expiration date.
  • After the expiration date has been passed, please issue (reissue) a certificate.
  • The renewal of the universal certificate available for all electronic transactions costs KRW 4,400 for individuals, and KRW 110,000 for corporations and organizations, and it is valid for one year.
  • For cancellation of the issuance of a joint certificate for general uses in electronic transactions and a refund, please contact the Korea Information Certificate Authority at 1577-8787.
    Please note that requests for a refund can only be made within 10 days of the transfer date of the charge for certificate issuance.