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Manage a Joint Certificate

Postal Savings is operated based on a joint certificate for safe transactions.
For postal Savings mobile services, you must copy and use a joint certificate separately through the link below.

Copy (export) the joint certificate on the Smart Savings app Manually install the program for copying (exporting) a certificate.

For postal insurance mobile services, you must copy and use a joint certificate separately through the link below.

Copy (export) the joint certificate of the postal insurance-dedicated app

Step 1 - Mobile phone

  1. 1 Running the Smart Savings app
    스마트예금 앱 실행
  2. 2 Select Import Certificate.
    인증서 가져오기 선택
  3. 3 Verification code
    인증번호 생성

Step 2 - PC

  1. 1 Enter the certificate password
    인증서 암호 임력
  2. 2 Enter the verification code generated on your mobile phone
    스마트폰에서 생성한 인증번호 입력
  3. 3 Certificate import completed
    인증서 가져오기 완료